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Embrace a Surrendered Heart

Embrace a Surrendered Heart

In week three of our series, we get to celebrate with Pastor Shane & Jamie as Jamie's dad is baptized. Pastor Shane shares his heart for the church’s unstoppable campaign and how this is just one example of all the lives God wants to touch in the East Bay. God’s faithfulness is evident as more and more people are drawn into His presence each week. It’s not about a building but about the lives that are being changed inside it.

As the TFH East Bay family grows, you’re invited to be part of this exciting journey. It’s about making space for more stories like James’, who was saved from addiction and is now walking in complete freedom. Through prayer, surrender, and obedience, we are called to create a place where people can encounter God’s transforming power. Will you join us in believing for a bigger "barn"; a space where lives will be restored, hope will be renewed, and God’s Kingdom will continue to expand?