God’s Not Done…
So, We’re Not Done
What is Unstoppable?
Our two year campaign is making space for all that God wants to do in us and through us at East Bay.
You are invited to join us in embracing God’s new calling for TFH East Bay as we prepare for the future. Our vision is to expand our Children and Youth programs, serve more broken people, and lead them in their faith journey. While we are grateful for our current site, its limitations prevent us from meeting future needs. To fulfill God’s purpose, we aim to purchase new property and build a facility that will support our church’s growth and reach the thousands in the Eastbay who have yet to experience a life-changing encounter with God.

Committing To The Unstoppable
As we conclude the Unstoppable series, we invite commitments to create a larger permanent space for our thriving community. Inspired by King David’s generosity, we align with God’s vision, transforming lives and advancing His kingdom together.

Building For Legacy
Understanding the importance of legacy, we are calling our community to invest in the next generation. By building environments where young people encounter God, we ensure they carry forward the blessings and values of faith.

The Grace of Giving
Step into grace-fueled generosity, where God’s enablement leads to joyful giving that impacts eternity and creates a lasting legacy in the East Bay.

Embrace a Surrendered Heart
God's faithfulness is evident as more people are experiencing His presence each week. It's not about a building, it about the lives that are being changed in it.
How Did We Get here?
In November 2013, a dream came true for The Father’s House to have a campus in Concord, CA. What started as 200 East Bay residence in an intrest meeting has turned into a thriving campus that more than 750 people call home.

Fall 2013
First TFH East Bay service at the Pleasant Hill Senior Center

September 2017
Moved to the Pleasant Hill Middle School

Crowne Plaza
Services were occasionally held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel

April 2018
We moved to the Concord Hilton Hotel

January 2019
We moved to Seven Hills

January 2019
Started renovating our current location

September 2020
Held our first service in the current location

Why is this important?
Why now?

How Can I Respond?
Pray and ask God how He wants you to be involved leading up to Commitment Sunday on November 10, 2024.
1. Pray
“God, what do you want to do through me?”
2. Participate
We want 100% of people who call TFH their church to participate in an equal level of sacrificial giving.
3. Commit
It’s not about equal commitments, but equal sacrifice. Step out in faith and make a commitment outside of your comfort zone, trusting that with God all things are possible.
Your total commitment of cash and/or value of assets other than cash from December 1, 2024 until the end of the two year campaign on November 30, 2026.
All pledges will be kept confidential.
This is a statement of intent that may be increased or decreased at any time
Equal in Sacrifice
Living a Life of Generosity
Why do we need a new building?
One thing to remember is that when God opened the door to receive and renovate our current building, we knew that it would establish us for a season, but we also knew it would not serve as a long-term solution. When we launched our Imagine Campaign, we were like the traveling tabernacle in the wilderness. This is not the ultimate will of God for His people! We believed God wanted to move us into a “promised land” of our own – and build a home for people to come to. The same location every week. A place to solidify our roots and create a welcoming atmosphere where people would want to come and stay! The hotel, senior center, and school were all very nice and had their strengths, but we wanted a foundation! And it happened. We have established ourselves in the East Bay. Now, we believe God wants us to be in an expanded setting that can accommodate years and years of growth, making us unstoppable.
Will this new location make us a Mega-Church?
Our church is about reaching people far from God and helping them find new life in Christ. As long as God entrusts us with more hungry and hurting people, our church will always plan for growth. Yes, our goal is to have 2,000 people in the East Bay come to The Father’s House and find life in Christ! Embracing the misconception that large churches are somehow “bad” or that a movement of God has gotten “big enough” is a significant roadblock to Jesus’ great commission. It abandons potential. It puts limits on the movement of the Spirit. It gives an opportunity for the enemy to squelch what God wants to do through His people. We will never believe that God has “moved enough” for us. People will always find a home in the presence of God, and no matter how many thousands gather on the weekend, we will continue to grow deeper and healthier through small groups, discipleship, and relationships.
Why not start more campuses?
We will! Remember, just as Vacaville has become somewhat of a “hub” campus in the Vacaville area, increasing its area of influence, becoming a beacon in the community, and growing substantially since its move – so will we. After all, since the move to the new Vacaville campus, they were able to plant new locations. That is “what’s next” for East Bay! We also believe that we will quickly become a “hub” church for the 90+ cities that make up our region, with 2,000+ in attendance, and have the faith to send our OWN campuses into neighboring areas – more effectively bringing people who are far from God to find life in Christ!
How are the other campuses going to be involved?
The Father’s House is still “One Church, Many Locations.” Vacaville is currently in the midst of its Beyond Campaign. Napa is having its own Generosity Campaign called Now! Just as we conducted our own campaign called Imagine, we are again taking on that responsibility. So now, this is OUR time again. This is OUR chance to pray and believe that God will move through US! Isn’t it exciting that our campus is going to fully support and fund (through God’s provision) an entirely new and bigger home!?
How do I grow my heart in generosity?
First and foremost, you pray and seek God’s direction on what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him and then listen to what He says. Engage in personal reflection with God in this journey guide. Talk with your spouse, your family, or others about what this commitment will mean for this next exciting season of your life. Recognize that this may involve a struggle as you sense God’s call to rearrange life priorities and spending habits, and give from stored resources. But don’t be afraid; Luke 6:33 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” Expect your commitment to grow over time from a token, to generous, to sacrificial generosity. That is called gospel-centered generosity. Follow His leading. Finally, prepare to be amazed. We serve an awesome God, and He will move in tremendous ways. We anticipate an unprecedented impact from our collective Unstoppable commitments – something only God can do. Please mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday on November 10th, and prepare to experience a life-changing worship service that will forever be remembered as a defining moment for our church and our own faith.
What should I know about my Commitment?
In Unstoppable, we are challenging you to grow in the practice of giving. As you consider your financial commitment over the next two years, you will want to factor in the following:
- Your commitment is above and beyond your current giving.
- It should be discerned through prayer.
- It’s not about equal giving but equal sacrifice.
- It should be planned through income, adjusted spending, income generation, and stored resources.
Many people find it helpful to reflect on their commitment using the “Five D’s of Sacrificial Commitment”:
- What can I do away with?
- What can I delay?
- What can I do more of?
- What can I donate?
- What can I deny myself?
As you can see, this is a discipleship journey that unfolds over multiple weeks. It takes time to be led by the Spirit, to grow in faith and courage, and to discover God’s will.